
2012 Carolina Spring Go Tournament Results

Cary Chinese School Teams Won the 2012 Team Tournament

Owen Chen Topped the Individual Competition


Organized by the Cary Go Club and the Chinese-American Friendship Association of North Carolina, the annual Carolina Spring Go Tournament played in Raleigh last Sunday attracted 34 Go players with ages ranging from 6 to 70 years old.

One of the unique features of the tournament was a team competition for the youth players.   A total of 4 teams representing Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language (RACL), Cary Chinese School (CCS) and Chinese School at Chapel Hill (CSCH) competed in the team tournament.

The team competition was fierce. Young players kept reporting and checking the team scores posted on the wall after each round. In the end, two teams from CCS –   CCS Team 1, consisting of Alvin Chen, John Zhu and their teacher Jeff Kuang, and CCS Team 2, consisting of Byron Qi, Larry Zhang and David Hao, tied for the first place in the team competition with each team scoring 8 wins.

In the individual competition, Owen Chen 5d won the open section. Jeff Kuang 5d and Guojun Zhu 4d tied for the second place of the open section, each with 3 wins.

Brian Wu 1d won Section A (6k-1d) with a score of 3-1.  Ralph Abbey 10k, Alvin Chen 12k and Jeff Martyn 10k all won 3 games and tied for the first place in Section B (15k-10k).    In beginner section of Section C (27k-19k), Byron Qi 20k, Anna Wiggins 19k and Larry Zhang 20k tied for the first place, each with 3 wins.

凯瑞中文学校获得2012北卡之春围棋锦标赛团体冠军, 陈剑文5段夺取个人冠军

一年一度的北卡之春围棋锦标赛于4月22日在北卡州立大学Talley 学生中心举行。该项比赛由美国围棋协会分会—凯瑞围棋俱乐部 (Cary Go Club) 以及北卡华人联谊会(CAFA)共同举办。这项已有九年历史的北卡之春围棋锦标赛是美国围棋协会认可的正式比赛。该项比赛对所有的围棋爱好者公开, 是整个北卡规模最大,水平最高的围棋公开赛。比赛成绩上报美国围棋协会,每位棋手比赛成绩计入积分,取得相应的美国围棋协会段位。



团体比赛争夺的异常激烈,各队的比分一直咬的很紧,直到最后一轮,每个队都有机会夺冠。结果由陈梓桐 (Alvin Chen) ,朱大龙(John Zhu)及老师况纪湛5段组成的凯瑞中文学校一队, 和由祁白龙 (Byron Qi), Larry Zhang and David Hao组成的凯瑞中文学校二队并列团体冠军。

个人比赛方面, 来自凯瑞的陈剑文 5段夺得最高级别组 — 公开组的冠军。 况纪湛5段与朱国军4段并列公开组的亚军。

华裔小朋友吴师哲(Brian Wu) 以四战三胜的成绩获得A组(6级至初段组)冠军。

Ralph Abbey,陈梓桐 (Alvin Chen) ,Jeff Martyn 以相同四战三胜的成绩并列B组(15级至10级)冠军。

祁白龙 (Byron Qi), Larry Zhang 和Anna Wiggin同样以四战三胜的成绩并列初级组 – C组(27级至19级)冠军。









Cary Chinese School Teams Won the 2012 Team Tournament



Owen Chen


Owen Chen (middle) won the Open Section. Jeff Kuang (right) and Guojun Zhu (left) tied for the second place





Brian Wu won section A (6k-1d)




Anna Wiggins 19k, Byron Qi 20k, and Larry Zhang 20k tied for the first place in section C( 27k-19k)


Please check out more photos


2011 Carolina Spring Go Tournament Results

2011 Carolina Spring Go Tournament

Cary Chinese School Team Won 2011 Carolina Spring Go Team Tournament

Organized by the Cary Go Club and the Chinese-American Friendship Association of North Carolina, the annual Carolina Spring Go Tournament played in Raleigh last Sunday attracted 30 Go players with ages ranging from 7 to 70 years old. For the first time in the tournament’s 8-year history, a team event was organized for the youth players. Each team consisted of 3 players, with each team member’s individual score being accumulated for the team score. Twelve Go class students from the Cary Chinese School formed 3 teams while three students from the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language formed the remaining team.

The team competition was fierce. Young players kept reporting and checking the team scores posted on the wall after each round. For the most part, the team scores were very close and each team had a chance to win the team tournament in the last round. In the end, Cary Chinese School Team B, consisting of Alvin Chen, John Zhu and Byron Qi, won the team event with 7 individual wins.

In the individual competition, Jimmy Yang 4d of Virginia swept the open section with 4-0. Jeff Kuang 5d and Owen Chen 5d tied for the second place of the open section, each with one loss.

Andrew Zalesak 1k won Section A (7k-1d), Ralph Abbey 13k won Section B (8k-15k) and Samuel Sites 18k won Section C (16k-19k). All three of them went a perfect score of 4-0 to win their sections. Larry Zhang 20k won Section D (20k-25k) with 3-1. Alvin Chen 16k finished second in Section C with 3-1 and Byron Qi went 2-2 and yet still finished in the second place of Section D.



一年一度的北卡之春围棋锦标赛于4月10日在北卡州立大学Talley 学生中心举行。该项比赛由美国围棋协会分会—凯瑞围棋俱乐部 (Cary Go Club) 以及北卡华人联谊会(CAFA)共同举办。这项已有八年历史的北卡之春围棋锦标赛是美国围棋协会认可的正式比赛。比赛成绩上报美国围棋协会,每位棋手比赛成绩计入积分,取得相应的美国围棋协会段位。


今年的比赛于往年相比,最大的特点是参赛的小棋手多。为了鼓励小棋手的参赛热情,今年的比赛特意为小棋手们增加了团体赛,三位小棋手组成一个队。每个队员的个人成绩累加为团体成绩,决出一个团体冠军。共有4只队参加了团体赛,其中来自凯瑞中文学校(CCS)的小棋手们组成了A, B, C三个队,来自洛丽汉语学校(RACL)的小棋手们组成另一个队。

团体比赛争夺的异常激烈,各队的比分一直咬的很紧,直到最后一轮,每个队都有机会夺冠。结果由陈梓桐 (Alvin Chen) ,朱大龙(John Zhu)及祁白龙 (Byron Qi) 组成的凯瑞中文学校 B 队以微弱优势夺得团体冠军。

个人比赛方面, 来自弗吉尼亚的一位华裔学生Jimmy Yang 5段以四战全胜的成绩夺得最高级别组 — 公开组的冠军。 本地的况纪湛5段与陈剑文5段并列公开组的亚军。

美国人Andrew Zalesak 以全胜的战绩夺得A组(7级至初段组)冠军。华裔小朋友吴师哲(Brian Wu) 以四战三胜的成绩获得A组亚军。

另一美国人Ralph Abbey也以全胜的战绩夺得B组(8级至15级)冠军。华裔小朋友陈梓桐 (Alvin Chen) 以四战三胜的成绩获得该组亚军。

拥有半个华人血统的小朋友Samuel Sites以全胜的战绩战绩夺得初级组 – C组(16级至19级)冠军。华裔小朋友Larry Zhang 以四战三胜的成绩获得D组(20级至25级)冠军, 祁白龙 (Byron Qi) 获得D组亚军。






Edward Zhang 6D won the first place in the Open section of the 2010 Carolina Spring Go tournament, held in Raleigh, NC on March 28th.  Thirty four players competed in this seventh annual AGA rated tournament co-organized by the Chinese-American Friendship Association of North Carolina (CAFA) and the Cary Go Club.  Edward Zhang, who traveled from the DC area, won four straight games to top the open section. Eric Zhang 5D, Guojun Zhu 3D and Nianci Gan 3D tied for the second place of the open section with the same score of 3-1.

Xiaoping Wu 1D and John Moore 2D tied for the first place of Section A (1D-2D), while Wu’s 12-year old son, Brian Wu 7K won Section B (1K-10K) with a perfect score of 4-0.  Glenn Williamson 2K finished as the second place of Section B. Warren Lewis 18K, Tom Carlson 11K, Dale Blann 13K and Ralph Abbey 15K tied for the first place of Section C (11K-20K) with the same score of 3-1.  Two young kids, Alvin Chen 24K and Kevin Kwong 25K won Section D (21K-30K) in a tie with a score of 3-1.


2010北卡之春围棋锦标赛日前于3月28日在北卡州立大学Talley 学生中心落下帷幕。来自全北卡以及田纳西和马里兰州的三十多位围棋高手及围棋爱好者参加了这项一年一度由北卡华人联谊会(CAFA)和凯瑞围棋俱乐部(Cary Go Club)共同举办的北卡最大规模围棋比赛。这项已有七年历史的北卡之春围棋锦标赛是美国围棋协会认可的正式比赛。比赛成绩上报美国围棋协会,每位棋手比赛成绩计入积分,取得相应的美国围棋协会段位。

今年参赛的三十多位棋手可谓五花八门。由地地道道的美国人,有在中国学棋的美籍华人,也有在美国出生的华裔儿童。年龄大的有七十来岁,小的仅有六岁,其中还有两对父子兵共同上阵。由于该项比赛是公开性的 –无论水平高低,只要会下围棋,就可报名参赛,结果参赛棋手水平高低不一,棋力强的有美国围棋协会6段选手,棋力弱的有25级初学者。

比赛按棋手段位水平共分五组举行。 结果来自马里兰州的张智渊6段以全胜战绩摘取最高级别组— 公开组的冠军。来自北卡三角地区的张振5段,甘念慈3段及朱国钧3段以三胜一负的相同成绩并列公开组亚军。

吴晓平初段与地道的美国人John Moore 2段并列获得A组(初段至2段组)冠军。吴晓平的儿子,年仅十二岁的华裔小朋友吴师哲(Brian Wu) 以四战全胜的战绩夺得B组(1级至10级)冠军。B组亚军由美国人Glenn Williamson摘取。C组(11级至20级)的棋手是清一色的美国白人,结果Warren Lewis 18级, Tom Carlson 11级, Dale Blann 13级和 Ralph Abbey 15级以三胜一负的相同成绩并列C组冠军。D组(21级至30级)是初学者的小组,结果两位华裔小朋友,Alvin Chen 24K
and Kevin Kwong 25K战胜众多成人及儿童棋手获得D组并列冠军。


2009 Carolina Spring Go Tournament Results

Sixth Annual Carolina Spring Go Tournament
Raleigh, NC
March 21st, 2009

The sixth annual Carolina Spring Go tournament was held in Raleigh, NC on March 21th. 24 Go players from North Carolina competed in this American Go Association (AGA) rated tournament organized by the Cary Go Club.

In the Open section, two players tied for the first place: Jeff Kuang 5D and Bing Liu 4D. Both finished the same 3 wins and both had identical opponents’ scores.

Zhijian Wang 1D won Section A (1-dan) with 3 wins. Glenn Williamson 2K won Section B (8K-2K), while the only kid in the tournament, Brian Wu 11-year old won Section C (10K-25K) with 3 wins.


一年一度的北卡春季围棋锦标赛于3月21日在北卡州立大学Talley 学生中心举行。该项比赛由北卡华联的围棋俱乐部—凯瑞围棋俱乐部(Cary Go Club)举办。这项已有六年历史的北卡春季围棋锦标赛是美国围棋协会认可的正式比赛。比赛成绩上报美国围棋协会,每位棋手比赛成绩计入积分,取得相应的美国围棋协会段位。


比赛共分四组举行。 况纪湛5段与刘兵4段以相同的积分并列最高级别组 — 公开组的冠军。俩人同为四战三胜,并且俩人的对手分也相同。

在北卡州立大学就读的留学生王智健初段夺得A组(初段组)冠军。地道的美国人Glenn Williamson勇获B组(8级至2级)冠军。年仅十一岁的华裔小朋友吴师哲(Brian Wu) 以四战三胜的成绩夺得C组冠军。非亚裔的美国人Steven Manning 取得C组亚军

Below are some tournament pictures taken by Bob Bacon.

Go Players
Hi-resolution picture

Group C winner
Brian Wu won Section C (10k-25k)
Hi-resolution picture

Group B winner
Glenn Williamson won Section B (2k-8k)
Hi-resolution picture

Group A winner
Zhijian Wang won Section A (1d)
Hi-resolution picture

Open winner
Bing Liu (pictured) and Jeff Kuang (not pictured) tied for the open section champion
Hi-resolution picture

Top table
Owen Chen and Jeff Kuang played in the open section
Hi-resolution picture

Owen Chen
Hi-resolution picture


Copyright 2004-2009, The Cary Go Club, Cary, NC, USA.


2013 Carolina Spring Go Tournament

2013 Carolina Spring Go Tournament will be held on Saturday, May 18th, 2013. This is an annual American Go Association (AGA) rated tournament in its 10th year. This tournament is open to everyone. Players of all levels are welcome.

What: 2013 Carolina Spring Go Tournament – An AGA Rated Event

When: Saturday, May 18th, 2013, 9:00am–5:30pm

Where: Mann Hall, Room 404 (2501 Stinson Dr. NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695)

Online Regstration is now open.  Click “read more” below for details.