
2009 Carolina Spring Go Tournament Results

Sixth Annual Carolina Spring Go Tournament
Raleigh, NC
March 21st, 2009

The sixth annual Carolina Spring Go tournament was held in Raleigh, NC on March 21th. 24 Go players from North Carolina competed in this American Go Association (AGA) rated tournament organized by the Cary Go Club.

In the Open section, two players tied for the first place: Jeff Kuang 5D and Bing Liu 4D. Both finished the same 3 wins and both had identical opponents’ scores.

Zhijian Wang 1D won Section A (1-dan) with 3 wins. Glenn Williamson 2K won Section B (8K-2K), while the only kid in the tournament, Brian Wu 11-year old won Section C (10K-25K) with 3 wins.


一年一度的北卡春季围棋锦标赛于3月21日在北卡州立大学Talley 学生中心举行。该项比赛由北卡华联的围棋俱乐部—凯瑞围棋俱乐部(Cary Go Club)举办。这项已有六年历史的北卡春季围棋锦标赛是美国围棋协会认可的正式比赛。比赛成绩上报美国围棋协会,每位棋手比赛成绩计入积分,取得相应的美国围棋协会段位。


比赛共分四组举行。 况纪湛5段与刘兵4段以相同的积分并列最高级别组 — 公开组的冠军。俩人同为四战三胜,并且俩人的对手分也相同。

在北卡州立大学就读的留学生王智健初段夺得A组(初段组)冠军。地道的美国人Glenn Williamson勇获B组(8级至2级)冠军。年仅十一岁的华裔小朋友吴师哲(Brian Wu) 以四战三胜的成绩夺得C组冠军。非亚裔的美国人Steven Manning 取得C组亚军

Below are some tournament pictures taken by Bob Bacon.

Go Players
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Group C winner
Brian Wu won Section C (10k-25k)
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Group B winner
Glenn Williamson won Section B (2k-8k)
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Group A winner
Zhijian Wang won Section A (1d)
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Open winner
Bing Liu (pictured) and Jeff Kuang (not pictured) tied for the open section champion
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Top table
Owen Chen and Jeff Kuang played in the open section
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Owen Chen
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Copyright 2004-2009, The Cary Go Club, Cary, NC, USA.


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