2017 Carolina Spring Tournament
Time: Sunday, May 21, 2017, 8:45am – 5:30pm
Room 107, Hanes Hall, UNC, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
(click link above to see Hanes Hall in Google map)
Hanes Hall is just off Cameron Avenue, behind Memorial Hall. Here’s a link to the location of the site. Since the tournament is on a Sunday, parking should be readily available. Please do read the parking signs carefully, as some are reserved Monday through Friday and others reserved all days. Here’s a link to a parking map of the campus.
Preregistration is REQUIRED for first round pairing and an early start. To participate in the first round you must register before 8:00 PM Saturday, May 20th. After successfully completing this online form you will receive an email message confirming your registration, so please enter your email address correctly. Check in begins Sunday morning at 8:45 AM, and the first round will begin at 9:00. This building will be open 8:30 AM, and the tournament will likely be finished by 5:00 or 6:00 PM.
The tournament will consist of 4 rounds of play. Time settings will probably be 45 minutes main time, with 5 byo-yomi periods of 30 seconds each. This is an AGA rated tournament.
Current AGA members enter at their actual AGA ratings. Unrated entrants will be assigned a temporary rating after review by a strong player. Unrated players will be paired at the sole discretion of the Tournament Director, Owen Chen. Self-promotion is possible with the permission of the Tournament Director.
Handicaps will follow the formula used in the self-paired tournament at the US Go Congress based on difference of rating, e.g. 7.5 points komi for ratings difference of 0.6 or less, 0.5 points komi for difference of 0.6 to 1.5, 2 stones handicap for difference of 1.6 to 2.5, 3 stones for difference of 2.6 to 3.5, etc. The open section might be different.
Entry costs are $20 for adults and $10 for youths and students. Please renew your AGA membership online before the tournament. You must be a current AGA member to participate, and AGA membership or renewal forms will be available at the tournament. Please see the AGA website for information on AGA membership prices and their online form for new registrations or renewals. There will be generous cash prizes in all sections, with all entry fees returned as prizes. The prize money for any ties will be split between the tied players.
Lunch will be provided onsite courtesy of the Triangle Go Group.
We will have a Pro Workshop by Ying Shen 2p on May 20, Saturday, 2-7pm in the same UNC location: