2011 Carolina Spring Go Tournament
Cary Chinese School Team Won 2011 Carolina Spring Go Team Tournament
Organized by the Cary Go Club and the Chinese-American Friendship Association of North Carolina, the annual Carolina Spring Go Tournament played in Raleigh last Sunday attracted 30 Go players with ages ranging from 7 to 70 years old. For the first time in the tournament’s 8-year history, a team event was organized for the youth players. Each team consisted of 3 players, with each team member’s individual score being accumulated for the team score. Twelve Go class students from the Cary Chinese School formed 3 teams while three students from the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language formed the remaining team.
The team competition was fierce. Young players kept reporting and checking the team scores posted on the wall after each round. For the most part, the team scores were very close and each team had a chance to win the team tournament in the last round. In the end, Cary Chinese School Team B, consisting of Alvin Chen, John Zhu and Byron Qi, won the team event with 7 individual wins.
In the individual competition, Jimmy Yang 4d of Virginia swept the open section with 4-0. Jeff Kuang 5d and Owen Chen 5d tied for the second place of the open section, each with one loss.
Andrew Zalesak 1k won Section A (7k-1d), Ralph Abbey 13k won Section B (8k-15k) and Samuel Sites 18k won Section C (16k-19k). All three of them went a perfect score of 4-0 to win their sections. Larry Zhang 20k won Section D (20k-25k) with 3-1. Alvin Chen 16k finished second in Section C with 3-1 and Byron Qi went 2-2 and yet still finished in the second place of Section D.
一年一度的北卡之春围棋锦标赛于4月10日在北卡州立大学Talley 学生中心举行。该项比赛由美国围棋协会分会—凯瑞围棋俱乐部 (Cary Go Club) 以及北卡华人联谊会(CAFA)共同举办。这项已有八年历史的北卡之春围棋锦标赛是美国围棋协会认可的正式比赛。比赛成绩上报美国围棋协会,每位棋手比赛成绩计入积分,取得相应的美国围棋协会段位。
今年的比赛于往年相比,最大的特点是参赛的小棋手多。为了鼓励小棋手的参赛热情,今年的比赛特意为小棋手们增加了团体赛,三位小棋手组成一个队。每个队员的个人成绩累加为团体成绩,决出一个团体冠军。共有4只队参加了团体赛,其中来自凯瑞中文学校(CCS)的小棋手们组成了A, B, C三个队,来自洛丽汉语学校(RACL)的小棋手们组成另一个队。
团体比赛争夺的异常激烈,各队的比分一直咬的很紧,直到最后一轮,每个队都有机会夺冠。结果由陈梓桐 (Alvin Chen) ,朱大龙(John Zhu)及祁白龙 (Byron Qi) 组成的凯瑞中文学校 B 队以微弱优势夺得团体冠军。
个人比赛方面, 来自弗吉尼亚的一位华裔学生Jimmy Yang 5段以四战全胜的成绩夺得最高级别组 — 公开组的冠军。 本地的况纪湛5段与陈剑文5段并列公开组的亚军。
美国人Andrew Zalesak 以全胜的战绩夺得A组(7级至初段组)冠军。华裔小朋友吴师哲(Brian Wu) 以四战三胜的成绩获得A组亚军。
另一美国人Ralph Abbey也以全胜的战绩夺得B组(8级至15级)冠军。华裔小朋友陈梓桐 (Alvin Chen) 以四战三胜的成绩获得该组亚军。
拥有半个华人血统的小朋友Samuel Sites以全胜的战绩战绩夺得初级组 – C组(16级至19级)冠军。华裔小朋友Larry Zhang 以四战三胜的成绩获得D组(20级至25级)冠军, 祁白龙 (Byron Qi) 获得D组亚军。